Mummers: A Philadelphia Education

Saturday, December 11, 2010 - 
Tuesday through Thursday, hubs fended for himself (which really means he celebrated bachelor time) while I was in Philly for a work trip.  Fortunately, I have some dear friends, MV & BV, who reside in the city and I was able to spend time with them in the evenings after work.  We had dinner both evenings and I even got to see some of the historical sites (just before it got too dark) with them - here are a few photos:

The other thing that I saw while in Philly?  Mummers.

Have you heard of them?  I had not, but I guess it is a big deal in Philly.  I had five different people mention it to me in a matter of a few hours.  The Mummer's host a parade in Philly on New Year's Day - a big deal - where there are different brigades and they make their own costumes that have to do with a theme.  I didn't get it, because no one could really explain it to me.  But during a business luncheon at the property I was at, this happened:

Yup, those are mummers who are dancing.  I'm not sure what is going on, then or even now.  But, if you are in Philly during New Years Day, maybe you should check it out...