Entertaining Life Daily: An Introduction

Tuesday, February 9, 2010 - 
With the new year, I said I would begin to blog.  January was filled with "what do I name it" and "what exactly should I blog about?"  Entertaining Life Daily came to, and I decided I would blog about just that - entertaining life on a daily basis. 

Through hosting friends and family, attending events in the city, eating my way through Indianapolis and wherever I visit, or cooking and baking at home with my hubby, TA, this blog will feature all that life has to offer and what I do to celebrate on a daily basis.

From making cupcakes for national popcorn day...
 (yes, the popcorn are marshmallows)

...to spending time with friends...
(4th of July with some of my besties, MM, MC, & TO)

...or enjoying seasons with my hubby...
(pumpkin picking with my love)

...even expressing my love of certain things...
(Disney in general.  I'm more of a villain lover...)

...I hope those who read my blog enjoy the day to day events and reasons for celebrations!