Rather than a meatless Monday, we opted for Mexican Monday. I, like my friend Michelle over at Fun & Fearless, had found a quick and easy recipe for roasted salsa in Everyday Food (visit Michelle's site for a step-by-step, or check out the June issue!) I gathered the ingredients and whipped it together - fresh, amazing and quick. I spiced it up a bit more and added a bit more garlic, but it really was amazing. I'll definitely make it again.
Our main item was going to be chicken taquitos. Hubs seasoned some broth and poached a few chicken tenderloins. Once they were poached, we shredded it with forks and then added some of the salsa I made. Cumin and Monterey Jack cheese were mixed in before being rolled in corn tortillas. We baked them in the oven while we finished the grilled corn and black bean salad.
The salad was a creation of our own - just threw some things together. I sauteed up an onion with garlic and added the black beans. While I was doing that, hubs had grilled a few cobs of corn that he stripped down and added to the mix. A tomato and some cilantro, this cooled down in the fridge while everything else came together.
It was a light and refreshing meal. I love summer and all the fresh ingredients that make meals like this satisfying!